Maria and I recently watched "The Disappearance of Maura Murray," a six-part series that investigated a real-life unsolved crime from 2004. The show followed a journalist and a retired US Marshal as they sought to find the truth once and for all. Although the story itself was interesting, the finale failed so miserably that it should tarnish the careers of everyone involved. Read More
New "$100,000 Pyramid" Has A Winner's Circle Full of Problems
The ABC Network recently brought back "The $100,000 Pyramid," which was one of my favorite game shows growing up. The game itself is a masterpiece: straightforward to play, big cash prizes, and D-list "celebrities." Former New York Giant and current ABC Network star Michael Strahan is the new host.
After watching the first few episodes, however, there are many reasons why this reboot is not as good as the original. I'll present these critiques in order as they would appear in the Winner's Circle! Read More
My Extremely Bizarre Breakfast Fail at the Hotel George
I was in Washington, DC last week and decided to stay at the Hotel George on Wednesday night. The Hotel George is located two blocks from Union Station and is a short walk from my office. Per the hotel website, the George is "A Boutique Hotel, Reigning on Capitol Hill." Fancy! Read More
Warning: This post contains some extremely minor spoilers to a movie with essentially no plot.
I had the joy of watching "A Good Day to Die Hard" (aka "Die Hard 5") the other day, and needless to say, plot holes were aplenty. The basic story is that John McClane (Bruce Willis) goes to Russia to save his rabble-rouser son, who is in trouble with the law. We soon learn that his son is actually working for the CIA, so there was no need for pops to even come in the first place. Oh John McClane and your misunderstandings! Read More
My Review of Charlie Sheen's "Violent Torpedo of Truth" Show in Washington, DC
This was originally written on April 21, 2011.
Well, Charlie Sheen's DC show was Tuesday night - and in all honesty - I can say it was everything I thought it would be. Basically, the "show" was a disorganized trainwreck that counted on hecklers for most of the laughs. And yes, and it was worth every penny.
Let's get to the highlights:
- I went to the show with Stirling, John, and Lauren (John's girlfriend). The show was moved to 9:00 because Charlie had a court appearance in the morning back in Los Angeles. Going into the show, we all thought this could be the "perfect storm" for an on-stage meltdown. Charlie lost custody of his kids that morning, he was on a plane all day (and drinking), many of his other shows bombed, and he might not even know where he is. Read More
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